The specific example mentioned above is what is precisely and apostately occurring upon our entire Ellanios planet Gaia-Demeter- Artemis with thousands of devious crafts. This adds to the complete apostasy and downfall of the human genus.
Upon the entire planetary and creative Ellanio organism today, there is no true and creative Politeia, and there is no absolute and true Politis that possesses the creative attributes of his Ellania and divine creation.
The apostasy, with all its mechanisms, devious apostate agreements, all its servants and traitorous humans, continually oppresses the human genus upon Gaia. One oppression is within another oppression, and this within another one. It is just like the Russian Khazar-babushka doll. Whichever you try to discredit and whichever oppression you annihilate, another one will be waiting for you at your level. You think that you have eliminated the apostate abuse, but the next tyranny is the same and even more ruthless than the first.
Ellene human, this means that for great time-intervals, you surrendered yourself within the desires and schemes of the apostasy. Even if you are tired of the oblivion and deviousness of all these fiends of Chaos – wanting to return to the absolute position and forces of your divine existence and your highly-sacred, divine, true and unique creation – the apostate obstacles within you won’t allow it. This is because absolutely everything is within you and this significant apostasy derivesfrom within you. Now, the situation of your complete downfall accepts no half-measures, no tolerance, no pseudo-favours, no compromise with anything apostate, fake, non-existent and untrue.
Anything apostate must be cut from its roots! A complete catharsis of your entire creative environment, Ellene human! “Knowledge” and your highly-sacred “Remembrances” are your weapons as well as your shield!
Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE