The Mother RHEA, apart from the divine and creative fact that APHRODITE is her sister, her children and her maternal creation are:

We see that the children of Mother RHEA are the foundations of the 7th plane and level* of the seven-level complete wholeness of Creation, of OLYMPUS itself which houses the 12 Ellania, Olympian, divine and absolute Creators.
5 of her children:

are within the structure and composition of the wholeness of OLYMPUS.
Of course, within the entire structure of OLYMPUS and within the 7th plane and level of OLYMPUS, the 3 children of DIAS exist and DIAS is the child and the son of RHEA.
The children that are complete wholeness creations of Zeus of Dias* include:

And so, since they are the children of DIAS, they are also the children of Mother RHEA where RHEA is also their Mother.
In the following tetrad which completes the composition and synthesis of OLYMPUS, we have 4 hyper-entity code names*:

We see APHRODITE in the final tetrad regarding the composition and synthesis of OLYMPUS, who is the sister of The Mother.
We also see 3 code names…

…connected and composed with the foundations of Mother RHEA and her children:

8 of her children are within the composition and synthesis of OLYMPUS in addition to her sister,

Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE
PAGES 6 – 8