There are 13 months, as there are 13 cycles of the moon, the number of menstrual cycles a female human has per year. 13 are the zodiacs (the animals of DIAS/Zeus) in the astrological cycle of 13.

The days in one cycle of Gaia–Demeter–Artemis* (Earth) around the sun Apollo are 360 days. Not 365, or any leap years – apostate nonsense as if a cog in the wheel had broken off and it was jumping a tooth. The days are as many as the degrees of Gaia and a 360-degree circle.

360 days – absolute and accurate – Nomoteleia, the perfect law of the IOTA creations. Of course, this knowledge has been hidden and had to be as this was the only way for them to impose their names as unique and to put you into an oblivion and a state of nonsense. Otherwise, they would not have been able to impose their fairy tales, ridiculousness and deceitfulness which all resemble fairy tales like ‘Little Red Riding Hood’.

In many locations on Gaia and in ELLAS (Greece) there are temples of degrees. On Ios, an island in the Aegean Sea, there are 360 temples which have been reconstructed into churches of with signs of saints. Each temple symbolises a degree and each of the days, and in total are 360 and each one has its own name.

Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE