1) You have the freedom to do anything you want as long as you have the ability of the entire and absolute restoration of your action.
2) You have the freedom to harm, alter, destroy and even kill partially or entirely, physically or mentally only if you are able to absolutely and entirely restore what you harmed, altered, destroyed or killed.
3) Even a thought related to a change in the physical, mental or spiritual level intended for Human Beings, is subject to the Law of Utter and Absolute Restoration. The cultivation of any kind of thought, desire or plan that occurs without the abidance of this specific Law, already results in the death of one’s consciousness.
4) It is a crime against the Politeia and against all Polites (Citizens) to subtract, remove and take advantage of anything without having the ability to entirely and precisely replace it.
5) It is a crime against the Politeia and against all Polites when your decisions create irreparable damages to the economy, social events, education, work, security, insurance, welfare, Abundance, Aesthetics and the Harmony of society.
6) It is a crime against the Politeia and against all its members for every intervention of yours that is irreparable.
7) The violation of the Law of Utter and Absolute Restoration places you outside the body of the Politeia and society and leads to the death penalty which is the death of your consciousness. The physical punishment belongs to the Politeia and its Laws.
Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE