Now, however, Ellene human, you know and must study the Sacred Ellanian Text of Persephone as well as all your other Sacred Ellanian Texts, where you will gain a more just perception of Persephone, which is you – the very Ellene human. You will also understand your pan- sacred Ellanian symbol and when you immerse yourself in its wholeness, it will show you all its code secrets, all its wholeness units I of your divine, Ellanian creation.

All Ellene humans must understand the complete wholeness unit I of their divine, creational nature and unique Ellanian physiology. Only in their creational, Ellanian incarnations are humans contented – they live and experience both their female and male creational physiology. Unlike their incarnations, in their cosmic bios* and life
there is no distinction of male and female.
For this absolute, creational reason (Logos*) and initial ground of the causality of the female and male creational physiology of the incarnations which humans enter, they do so with Isozygia – in turn, once male, once female humans. All humans, male and female, must always honour and respect the creational physiologies of their divine,
creational, Ellanian incarnations. The creational, Ellanian mission of their creation is a part of the wholeness of the Divine Design to which all humans belong.
Excerpt taken from the Sacred Ellanian Texts. DOWNLOAD FREE FROM HERE
Pages 11 – 12