The “Jewel of the Cosmoses”

The “Jewel of the Cosmoses”

Can you imagine all this hyper-cosmic magnificence of inconceivable perfection and inconceivable size, as well as the energy that it needs in order to function and continuously be maintained with unlimited sources of energy?? And I ask you Ellene human, as well as...
The Law of Publicity

The Law of Publicity

The 3rd Law for all the Ellania Heroes is that their actions must be in public view – The Law of Publicity, for all their choices and results throughout their bios and mission. All this must be in public view in all Cosmotheasis* (relating to public view on...
Luck does not exist

Luck does not exist

The lucky game roulette which was invented by the apostates… “As I have previously analysed and proven, luck (pron. tychi) does not exist. And since luck does not exist and is an invention of the ridiculous apostates, there is no such thing as epitychia (translated as...