by ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ | Dec 25, 2024 | ΑΡΘΡΑ
Of course, what you must understand and digest well, is that you exist and you were created and the purpose and aim of your existence is to create your creation.”If the design to create your creation did not exist, there would not be a reason for you to exist or...
by ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ | Dec 18, 2024 | ΑΡΘΡΑ
VALUES ARE THE ATTRIBUTES WHICH, THE MORE THE HUMAN GIVES PROMINENCE TO THEM, THE CLOSER ΤHEΥ PLACE HIM WITHIN THE MESOTITA (GOLDEN MEAN) The medium that leads to Intellect (Noesis) and accepts only the ortho (correct) and existing strictly and solely through the...
by ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ | Dec 11, 2024 | ΑΡΘΡΑ
The absolute and perfect Divine Design contains the perfection of the wholeness of the Whole and of absolutely everything. And so, the hyper-forces of the Aestheses (senses) of Creation represented by APHRODITE herself, could never be absent from this creative...
by ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ | Dec 4, 2024 | ΑΡΘΡΑ
I will express what is truly occurring with a realistic example, which is at the absolute essence of the depiction of the truth:It is like having a single, grand and complete explosion which blows up a rock and we want to define which parts or pieces of the rock blew...
by ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΑΛΕΞΙΟΥ | Nov 27, 2024 | ΑΡΘΡΑ
The Law of the universe and Creation is that everything is a triad (3). The unit always consists of three concentric circles which act as a unit.There is a total of 27 symbols of our Script and language that form 3 clusters of 9.The FIRST cluster starts from left...